Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Great Week

I have so much to be thankful for, but I am especially grateful for three things right now: first, Baby Girl is doing better (although she is still having some issues), my oldest is home and is done with his deployment (YAY), and he is getting married in a few weeks. So much going on! Also, we are having a blast simply enjoying the day-to-day life as a family. We are doing a lot of natural learning right now (and quite often I'm amazed at what my children choose to do and learn on their own), plus we also finished Week 29 of Sonlight Core D+E and Bug did a fun science experiment. Here are some pics of our week:
Bug's welcome home sign...he was SO excited to see his big brother again!

My family is complete again (I'm behind the camera)

Doodles' "inside joke" sign for her big brother

I surround Doodles with a giant bubble...FUN!!!

Bug gets "inside the bubble"

Star Wars battle scene that Bug set up in the dining room window

Bug squirts mustard into ice tray for experiment (freezing different materials)

What we put in the freezer (for three hours) that froze solid: lemonade, mustard, hot sauce, butter, and red wine vinegar; things that did NOT freeze solid: pancake syrup, oil, chocolate syrup

Doodles thought Bug's experiment was gross, and Baby Girl didn't know what to think!

Doodles gets creative in the kitchen...she loves to create and try her own recipes.

Bug was reading this in his bed last night, and he drew the following disastrous events:


Mt. Vesuvius (Pompeii)

Dust Bowl

1 comment:

Rita and John said...

I'm so glad to hear your little one is doing better. Keeping you all in my prayers!

Self-Care That's Not So Fun

As promised in my previous post, I am now going to talk about self-care that's not so much fun. This kind of self-care involves thin...