Baby Girl enjoys looking out the window at the sunshine. |
Baby Girl checks out a tree for nature study. |
Shrubbery that Doodles studied for nature study. |
Camellia bush that Bug studied. |
Doodles' sketch of shrubbery |
Bug's sketch of a camellia bush |
Bug made bread because he studied yeast. Here he measures the flour. |
He mixed the dough. |
He kneaded the dough. |
Bug's bread |
Bug used this book to read about fungus. |
Doodles wrote a paragraph about Marco Polo. |
Doodles wrote a paragraph about snowy owls. |
Doodles and I played a Middle Ages game. |
Doodles wrote a research paper about castles and castle life. |
Bug read about seeds and bulbs. |
Bug studied bulb anatomy. |
Bug's map of Alabama Native Americans-he started studying them this week. |
Doodles' sketch and description of a tree |
Bug's sketch and description of a tree |
Water Cycle Project for my Five in a Row co-op class |