Monday, August 25, 2008

Dd's Extra "Work"

Dd decided she didn't get enough work at school today. She drew and colored this picture of a Native American man and woman. She asked me to take a picture of her work and post it, so here it is!


Unknown said...

Hi! I came across your blog through the MFW website. I have 3 children and we are also using MFW this year! I know that this comment has nothing to do with this post but I wanted to ask a question about your extra curriculum that you had listed. I am using MFW along with the spelling, english and math that they recommended but I noticed that you had a phonics curriculum listed also. My daughter is in
2nd grade and we used Abeka last year--I am just wondering if I need to add phonics to our daily lessons?? Any info/insight that you have would be greatly appreciated!! If you want to email me my email is Thank you so much!

redkitchen said...

I use Phonics Pathways for my ds who is doing 1st grade this year. Dd uses DITHOR and is doing third grade this year. I don't think a second grader still needs phonics if he/she is a fluent reader. That's my 2 cents, anyway. :) I think what you're doing is fine. BTW, I did e-mail you. Hope you have a great year in Adventures!

Self-Care That's Not So Fun

As promised in my previous post, I am now going to talk about self-care that's not so much fun. This kind of self-care involves thin...